RDC-TMD Translations

Translations of the RDC/TMD are generously made available by members of the Consortium. Each of these non-English versions of the RDC/TMD has been translated by clinical experts based on the principles and procedures described in the Guidelines developed by the Consortium and available on this website. Many of the translations have published psychometric data, and all of the translations have been found acceptable and useful in clinical research settings. Language translation of an instrument is an ongoing process in terms of validity, just as it is for any instrument in its source language; no specific claims are made with regard to reliability, validity or cultural relevance by virtue of making these translations available for scientific purposes. The interested user should review the translation properties and decide whether the translation is suitable for the intended purpose.For detailed information regarding a specific language translation please contact the respective Developer. For inquiries regarding new translations or for general questions, please contact the Translations Committee.

The translations are posted in the PDF file format and require Adobe  Reader

Language Translation Team Date Translation
Arabic  9/2005 Download
Chinese  2004 Download
Croatian  10/2004 Download
Danish     Download
Dutch     Download
Farsi     Download
Finnish     Download
French     Download
German     Download
Greek     Download
Hebrew     Download
Italian     Download
Japanese     Download
Korean     Download
Malay     Download
Polish     Download
Portuguese (Brazil)     Download
Portuguese (Portugal)     Download
Spanish     Download
Swedish     Download
Turkish     Download