Examiner Training

The Examiner Training and Reliability Committee provides guidelines on how to teach/learn DC/TMD at three levels: Self-instruction, a two-day didactic course, and a two-day didactic course + reliability assessment. The Committee also keeps an updated list of official DC/TMD Training Centers, Reference Standard Examiners and Protocol Supervisors. In addition, the Committee promotes creation of new Consortium DC/TMD Training Centers, which is essential for the implementation of DC/TMD in both general dentistry and speciality care.Training and Calibration Guidelines

Examiner training, calibration and reliability are fundamental parts of the DC/TMD in order to achieve reliable and comparable diagnostic results. The Network’s Guidelines for Training, Calibration and Reliability Assessment descibes requirements for the three main levels of training and calibration: from self-instruction to training and calibration with and without reliability assessment.

The Guidelines also list Training and Calibration Centers, Protocol Supervisors and Reference Standard Examiners who may assist in examiner training.

Instructional videos and documentation for DC/TMD training

Training documentation and instruction videos can be found on the right side. Materials in other languages can be developed and posted here.

The Consortium Committee for Training and Reliability
Per Alstergren, Chair (per.alstergren@mau.se)
Malmö University


Resource Link Modified Date
Training and Calibration Guidelines Open Aug 16, 2021
DC/TMD examination instructional video: English Open published November 20, 2014 at MedEdPORTAL
DC/TMD examination instructional video: Swedish Open October 2014

Consortium DC/TMD Training Centers

Center Contact
Aarhus University, Denmark Karina Bendixen
Leipzig University, Germany Oliver Schierz
Malmö University, Sweden Per Alstergren
Nihon University, Japan Komiyama Osamu
Oulu University, Finland Kirsi Sipilä
Umeå University, Sweden Catharina Österlund
