The International Network for Orofacial Pain and Related Disorders Methodology, in conjunction with the Network for Practice-based Research, Evidence-based Dentistry Network, and the Neuroscience Group of the International Association for Dental Research hosted a webinar for all interested in management guidelines for Temporomandibular Disorders in November 18th, 2020. Details are outlined below.
Yo can watch the Video stream here
The current state of knowledge regarding the efficacy of clinical treatments of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) provides limited evidence to support guidelines for their management in clinical settings. Evidence using research study designs and methods that address translational gaps from research to clinical settings is lacking; Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) provide strong evidence for strong causal inference but individual RCTs do not address the mosaic of treatments typically required for TMDs. The goal is to address clinical TMD research in line with the Proceeding from the National Academy of Medicine, the limitations of currently used clinical trial designs, and the need for evidence from other study designs, such as pragmatic clinical trials that help evaluate interventions in real-world settings and inform decision-making by patients and providers.

Christopher H. Fox, DMD, DMSc, IADR/AADR, USA
Presentation: “Perspectives on TMD Research: INfORM and National Academy of Medicine”
Christopher H. Fox, is Chief Executive Officer of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) – a non-profit organization with a mission to drive dental, oral and craniofacial research for health and well-being worldwide. The IADR hosts the world’s largest dental research meeting and publishes the Journal of Dental Research and the JDR Clinical & Translational Research with its largest division, the American Association for Dental Research (AADR). Dr. Fox completed his dental, post-graduate and clinical studies at Harvard University, receiving a DMD, a Master of Science in Epidemiology, a Doctorate of Medical Sciences in Oral Biology and Oral Epidemiology, and completed residencies in Periodontology and Dental Public Health. He is a Principal Investigator of the NIDCR-funded AADR Mentoring an Inclusive Network for a Diverse Research Workforce of the Future – AADR MIND the Future. The primary goal of this program is to establish a mentoring network that will support a diverse pool of early career investigators, including individuals from diverse backgrounds, in developing independent research careers dedicated to improving dental, oral and craniofacial health.

Robert Weyant, DMD, DrPH, University of Pittsburg, USA
Presentation: “Efficacy of clinical treatments, burden and costs for TMD”
Robert Weyant, is the associate dean of Public Health and Outreach and professor and chair of the department of Dental Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine. He is also professor of epidemiology in the Graduate School of Public Health. Dr. Weyant is a past president of the American Association for Public Health Dentistry and the current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Public Health Dentistry. Dr. Weyant also directs the Center for Oral Health Research in Appalachia (COHRA), and oversees the joint degree program in dentistry and public health. He received his MPH and his dental degree from the University of Pittsburgh and his doctorate in epidemiology from the University of Michigan. His research involves general and social epidemiological research related to oral health inequities and oral disease etiology. Presently Dr. Weyant is PI or co-PI on several NIH-funded studies, one focused on the etiology of oral disease inequities and one on the management of acute and chronic dental pain. Dr. Weyant is also project director of a HRSA funded training grant for dental residents. Dr. Weyant works extensively with several national organizations in the development of systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines for dentistry.

Philip Riley, MPH, PhD, University of Manchester, UK
Presentation: “Evidence on TMD management and limitations of current study designs”
Philip Riley, is a Lecturer in Health Sciences Research at The University of Manchester, UK. His PhD work focused on the prevention of oral side effects of cancer treatment. He has been part of the editorial team of Cochrane Oral Health since 2006 and was recently made Deputy Co-ordinating Editor of the Group. His main area of work is evidence synthesis, particularly systematic review.

Sue Pavitt, BSc, PhD, University of Leeds, UK
Presentation: “Bringing innovative trial designs into dentistry – a fresh collaborative approach”
Sue Pavitt, is Professor of Translational & Applied Health Research at the University of Leeds and Director of the Dental Translational and Clinical Research Unit (DentCRU) within Leeds School of Dentistry. She is national specialty lead for the Oral & Dental Health Research for the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network. Her research portfolio spans several disease areas, with a particular focus on oral and dental health and multiple sclerosis. Her clinical trials research is innovative and she has successfully delivered several novel and progressive initiatives that have left legacies of research infrastructure. She has established PROSpECT (Periodontal Research on Multimorbidity and Systemic Health) CSG and Consortium to advance collaborative national trials with shared protocols, methodology and infrastructure. PROSpECT was achieved by knowledge transfer from her successful work as Chair of the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society Clinical Trials Network and establishing their £13M MS-OCTOPUS efficient trial platform. Prof. Pavitt has over 35 years’ experience supporting co-production and patient involvement in research. She has recently led the NIHR Co-produced creative arts initiative COVID and Me dramas to promote research that is inclusive and grounded in community engagement with underserved communities disproportionately affected by Covid-19.

Zhain Mustufvi, BDS, PGCert Health Research, University of Leeds, UK
Presentation: “Bringing innovative trial designs into dentistry – a fresh collaborative approach”
Zhain Mustufvi, is an Academic Clinical Fellow at the University of Leeds and Leeds Dental Institute. He works closely with Professor Sue Pavitt on the PROSpECT (Periodontal Research on Multimorbidity and Systemic Health) Consortium. As an Early Career Researcher, he is currently supporting work investigating periodontitis and its association with chemotherapy outcomes, and separately its association with rheumatoid arthritis.